Cyprus Start up Visa

Upgrades to the Cyprus Startup Visa

Upgrades to the Cyprus Startup Visa: A Gateway for Global Entrepreneurs & Investors

Cyprus has updated its Startup Visa Scheme, effective January 7, 2025, after Cabinet approval on December 18, 2024. The changes aim to attract global entrepreneurs, foster innovation, and drive economic growth, particularly in the technology sector.

The Scheme allows skilled entrepreneurs from non-EU countries to enter, live, and work in Cyprus to establish a new startup or relocate an existing one. The Scheme is valid until December 2026, with a cap of 150 visas.

The updated Scheme offers more flexibility and support for startups at different stages by easing financial and operational requirements. Cyprus aims to position itself as a top destination for global talent while strengthening its appeal for investment-based residency and citizenship programs.

Key Changes Include:

  • Longer Residence Permits: Now valid for three years instead of two, with the renewal extended from one year to two years.
  • Lower Ownership Requirement: Applicants now need to own at least 25% of the company’s share capital, reduced from 50%.
  • Increased Foreign Hiring: Companies can now employ up to 50% foreign staff, compared to the previous 30% limit.
  • Additional Hiring for Investors: Companies investing €150,000 or more in Cyprus can hire additional foreign employees.

Renewal Criteria:

To renew the Visa after three years, Startups should meet at least one of the below criteria:

  • Achieve a 15% increase in revenue.
  • Secure €150,000 in investments.
  • Create at least three new jobs in Cyprus.
  • Participate in local innovation support programs.
  • Launch at least one product or service.

Digital Literacy and Investment Migration at the Heart of Cyprus Startup Visa Scheme

The updated Scheme places a strong emphasis on building a tech-savvy workforce by encouraging all employees to enhance their digital skills, while driving creativity and modernization. This enhances Cyprus’ position as a hub for technology-driven entrepreneurship and sustainable growth.

At the same time, the recent changes offer entrepreneurs and investors a compelling opportunity to establish themselves in Cyprus while working towards long-term residency or even citizenship, all within a supportive and welcoming environment. Not only can they diversify their portfolios, but they also contribute to the local economy by creating jobs, implementing innovative ideas, and attracting additional foreign investment.

A Promising Future

As the Cyprus Startup Visa Scheme evolves, with 21 startups already approved, it presents exciting opportunities for global entrepreneurial talent who seek to align their business goals with residency solutions. The Scheme offers a unique pathway to establish a presence in Cyprus, with a variety of financial and qualitative incentives for both individuals and companies.

Foreign talent and investors will benefit from Cyprus’s strategic location, favorable tax policies, strong legal framework, and access to mentorship, resources, funding, and networking opportunities.

The investment migration landscape is constantly evolving, and the Scheme is adapting to meet the changing needs of global startups and talent, ensuring long-term prosperity.

Our dedicated team can assist you in navigating the complexities of the Scheme and residency requirements so you can fully enjoy the benefits Cyprus has to offer. For a tailored consultation, feel free to reach out to us here.

Cyprus Naturalisation: new criteria

Cyprus Naturalisation: Revised application criteria

Cyprus Naturalisation: Revised application criteria

On the 22nd of March 2024, the Ministry of the Interior announced the receipt and examination of applications for naturalization submitted in accordance with the provisions of the Population Register (Amendment) Law of 2023.

The qualifications for naturalization, pursuant to article 111B(1) of the Population Register Law, which must be met cumulatively to submit an application for naturalization are the following:

  1. Legal and continuous residence for 12 months immediately preceding the date of application. Periods of absence that do not exceed a total of 90 days do not interrupt the stated period.
  2. During the 10 years immediately preceding the 12-month period, legal residence for cumulative periods of not less than 7 years.
  3. Good character.
  4. Adequate knowledge of Greek language at level B1.
  5. Sufficient knowledge of basic elements of the modern political and social reality of the Republic of Cyprus.
  6. Appropriate accommodation and stable and regular financial resources sufficient for maintaining the applicants themselves and their family members.
  7. Intention to reside in the Republic of Cyprus.

According to article 111B(2), the qualifications are differentiated for the individuals residing in the Republic of Cyprus for the purpose of highly qualified employment in companies which are determined by the Decision of the Council of Ministers (no. 92.018, dated 15/10/2021), regarding the Strategy for Attracting Businesses for Activities or/and Expansion of their Activities in Cyprus, as well as for their family members. The following companies fall into this category:

  1. Businesses/companies of foreign interests operating in the Republic of Cyprus and operating independent offices in Cyprus, which are housed in suitable premises, separate from any private residence or other office,
  2. Cypriot shipping companies,
  3. Cypriot high-tech/innovation companies with products related to the aerospace industry, computers, IT, technology and communication, pharmaceuticals, biomedical equipment, research and development equipment, electrical machinery, chemicals, non-electrical machinery,
  4. Cypriot pharmaceutical companies or Cypriot companies active in the fields of biogenetics and biotechnology,
  5. The companies that are already registered in the Register of Foreign Companies of the Civil Registry and Migration Department.

The qualifications for the individuals falling under the provisions of article 111B(2) as well as for their family members, which must be met cumulatively, are as follows:

  1. Legal and continuous residence for 12 months immediately preceding the date of application. Periods of absence that do not exceed a total of 90 days do not interrupt the stated time period.
  2. During the immediately preceding 10 years from the 12-month period, to have legal residence for cumulative periods of no less than 4 or 3 years depending on the level of knowledge of the Greek language, i.e. A2 or B1 respectively. Periods of absence that do not exceed a total of 90 days per year do not count as absence.
  3. Good character.
  4. Adequate knowledge of the Greek language at level A2 or B1.
  5. Sufficient knowledge of basic elements of the modern political and social reality of the Republic.
  6. Appropriate accommodation and stable and regular financial resources sufficient for the maintenance of themselves and their family members.
  7. Intention to reside in the Republic of Cyprus.

Our team is happy to provide you with detailed information regarding the naturalization criteria and guide you through the application procedure. Please contact us at +357 22022777 or send us an email.

EU Blue Card Visa scheme legislation approved in Cyprus

Attracting foreign talent with EU Blue Card Visa

On Wednesday 17th of January, the Council of Ministers approved the amendment of the legislation for the implementation of the European Blue Card scheme in Cyprus. This Card serves as a permanent residence and EU citizenship to non-EU/EEA nationals while providing comprehensive socio-economic rights.

The proposed legislation harmonizes with the relevant EU directive with regards to the entry and residence permit of highly skilled non-EU nationals to be employed in member states, and aligns with the 2021 talent attraction program, in an effort to promote legal migration.
The aim of this initiative is to encourage foreign qualified workers to live and work in Cyprus within a friendly framework and benefit from flexible entry requirements, increased rights and opportunities, as well as streamlined mobility.

To qualify as high-skilled, individuals must either possess a higher education qualification from a course lasting at least three years, or have at least three years of professional experience in the Information and Communication Technology sectors within the past seven years.
The adoption of this scheme not only fosters diversity and increases the competencies of the local labour market, but it also shapes the future of the island as an international and growing business center.

How can we help you
Cyprus offers more business and lifestyle opportunities and digital developments than ever before. If you are searching for a better way of life and consider living and working in Cyprus, our team of experts can advise and support you throughout your relocation journey.

Contact us here.

Cyprus Naturalisation: updated and more flexible rules

Cyprus naturalisation – updated and more flexible rules

On the 30th November 2023, the Cypriot House of Representatives approved an amendment of the Civil Registry Law, relaxing the rules for granting Cypriot citizenship to foreign nationals and modernising the current legal framework. The aim is to attract and encourage highly skilled tech professionals and their families to stay in Cyprus. The bill is subject to government approval before it comes into force.

This initiative enhances the country’s reputation as a continuously developed international business hub and is expected to foster innovation, cultivate domestic talent and fuel economic growth.

The amendments relate mainly to the amount of time that foreign nationals are expected to reside in Cyprus before applying for naturalization, as well as their knowledge of the Greek language. There are also special provisions which apply to individuals with high qualifications and skills in the technology sector.

Applicants must meet the following main criteria:

• Legal and continuous physical stay in Cyprus for the twelve months preceding the application for naturalisation (periods of absence should not exceed 90 days in total).
• Legal physical stay in Cyprus for at least seven out of ten years preceding the aforesaid 12-month period (periods of absence should not exceed 90 days in total, per year).
• To be of good character and have a clean criminal record.
• To be financially self-sustained and have a suitable place of residence.
• To have sufficient knowledge of the Greek language (certificate of basic knowledge, Level B1) and basic knowledge of the country’s political and social status.
• To have the intention to stay in Cyprus.

Individuals with high skills in the technology sector and working in companies of foreign interest should meet the following special provisions:

• The period of seven years (out of the last ten) of residence in Cyprus is reduced to four years for applicants having a certificate of knowledge of the Greek language of A2 level, and three years if the certificate is of B1 level.
• Family members of the applicants may also apply for naturalisation, under the same conditions. Spouses or civil partners of the applicants should have the same certificates of knowledge of the Greek language as the applicants. Children of the applicants that reach adulthood (18 years of age) during the examination of their parent’s application should still be considered minors for the purpose of the Law and be eligible for naturalisation. Dependent adult children with disabilities are also eligible.

The applications of highly specialised professionals are examined on a ‘fast-track’ basis which does not exceed eight months, upon the payment of a fee. The details of this process and the relevant fee should be determined by way of a Ministerial decision.

It is also noted that applications for citizenship that were submitted before the aforementioned amendments shall be examined under the new criteria as described above.

For any assistance, our experienced team can guide and support you through the naturalization process. Contact us here.