new tax landscape in Cyprus

The New Tax Landscape in Cyprus: Key Changes for Businesses and Individuals

The New Tax Landscape in Cyprus:

Key Changes for Businesses and Individuals

On February 27, 2025, the Center for Economic Research of the University of Cyprus presented the proposed new tax landscape for Cypriot legal entities and individuals, following the Government’s initiative.


  • Corporate tax increase from 12.5% to 15% .bringing Cyprus into line with European Union requirements.
  • Complete abolition of deemed dividend distribution.
  • Reduction of withholding tax on actual dividend distribution from 17% to 5%.

Maintaining Existing Tax Benefits

  • Taxation of worldwide income with applicable exemptions.
  • Deduction of expenses for generating taxable income.
  • Strengthened tax residency criteria for companies and enhancement of the intellectual property tax regime (IP Box).
  • Maintenance of non-dom status, with an extension through an annual fee.
  • Notional interest deduction (NID).
  • Shipping regime remains unchanged.
  • 50% discount for first employment in the Republic.

Additional Tax Incentives

  • Anti-abuse clauses including higher tax rates on concealed dividend distributions.
  • Measures for “close-structured companies” allowing for the possibility of lifting the corporate veil and taxing shareholders as natural persons conducting business.
  • Enhanced deductions for expenses related to the green transition and digital transformation and accelerated depreciation and training discounts with related losses carried forward without restrictions.

Other proposed changes

  • Stamp duty abolition. Fixed amounts, to be imposed only on agreements relating to immovable property and banking and insurance transactions.
  • Tax losses are to be carried-forward to 10 years from 5 years, subject to restrictions.
  • Employee stock options possibly to be taxed at a lower rate upon exercise (subject to conditions).
  • Ex-gratia payments to employees to be tax-exempt up to a certain amount at the level of the employee. The employer will have the right to claim the full amount as tax deductible.
  • Insurance premium tax of 1.5% to be abolished.

This tax reform aims to strengthen the local economy and enhance the competitiveness of Cypriot businesses while investing in the country’s innovation, quality, and credibility.


  • Up to €20,500 → 0%
  • €20,501 – €30,000 → 20%
  • €30,001 – €40,000 → 25%
  • €40,001 – €80,000 → 30%
  • Above €80,001 → 35%

It is worth noting that the maximum tax rate of 35% now applies to incomes above €80,000, compared to the current threshold of €60,000.

Tax free income increases with the following tax deductions:

For households with a total gross income of up to €80,000 and two working spouses, the proposed deductions include:

  • €1,000 for each spouse for each child up to 19 years of age (female) or 21 years of age (male).
  • €1,000 for each spouse for each student up to 23 years of age (female) or 24 years of age (male).
  • Deduction of up to €1,500 for installments of a serviced first home loan or rent, for each spouse/partner.
  • Discounts for green upgrades to households, up to €1,000 for each spouse/partner, in the year the upgrade is made (e.g. up to five years). Eligible upgrades include energy-efficient home improvements, installation of photovoltaic systems, heat pumps, and even the purchase of an electric car.
  • Single-parent families to be taxed under the most favorable category, similar to two-parent working households.

The primary objective of the tax reform is to ease the tax burden on individuals and households while supporting families and the new generation, addressing housing challenges and low birth rates, encouraging women to participate in the labour market, and promoting the green and digital transition.

The Cyprus government aims for the reform to be fully implemented in 2026. Our firm will keep you informed about all upcoming changes and can be your trusted partner in navigating and adapting to the new regulations. Contact us for more information.

UBO Registry: updates - Cyprus Dec 2024

Significant updates to UBO Registry

Significant updates to UBO Registry

On 16 December 2024, the Department of the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property announced key amendments to the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering from Illegal Activities (Amendment) (No. 2) Law of 2024, N.141(I)/2024, published on 6 December 2024. The main changes are summarized as follows:

  1. Imposition of Financial Charges: Financial charges will apply exclusively to the company or legal entity that fails, neglects, or refuses to comply with its obligations to submit information on beneficial owners, as mandated by Law 188(I)/2007 and associated Directives. Directors and secretaries are exempt from direct financial penalties.
  2. Liability for Non-Compliance: Directors or managing directors who fail to ensure compliance with beneficial owner information submission requirements will be jointly and/or severally liable with the company for covering the financial penalties imposed on the company.
  3. Revised Financial Charges:
    – A fixed charge of €100 will be imposed on the first day of the violation.
    – An additional charge of €50 will accrue for each subsequent day the violation persists.
    – The maximum total charge is capped at €5,000 per company or legal entity.
  4. Additional Powers Granted to the Registrar of Companies:
    – The Registrar may issue Directives to establish administrative review procedures and/or facilitate the submission and examination of objections against financial penalties.
    – The Registrar has the authority to remove from the business entity register any company or legal entity that fails, neglects, or refuses to update beneficial owner information.
    – The Registrar can apply to the Court for an injunction compelling compliance with obligations.

Extension and Withdrawal of Financial Charges

The deadline for submitting beneficial owner information for all Companies and Legal Entities has been extended to 31 January 2025. This initiative addresses practical implementation challenges and financial burdens on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) while recognizing the high compliance rate achieved. Additionally, the deadline for completing the data confirmation procedure for 2024 has been extended to 31 March 2025.

In addition, the Registrar is withdrawing the financial charges imposed since 1 April 2024 and will issue refunds to affected companies. From 1 February 2025, however, failure to submit beneficial owner information will result in administrative and other sanctions in line with the provisions of the law.
These amendments aim to strengthen compliance with beneficial ownership reporting requirements and enhance enforcement measures by ensuring transparency and accountability while promoting a more secure and trustworthy business environment.

Our dedicated compliance team is here to provide expert assistance and guidance on your reporting obligations. For more information, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]

Official source: Cyprus Registrar of Companies

Extension to submission of UBO data to Cyprus Registrar by 31 March 2024

Submission of Beneficial Owner Registry data: extension until 31 March 2024

On 17 January 2024, the Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property announced that with the aim to optimally update the Register of Beneficial Owners on the basis of the implementation of the upgraded platform, an extension has been granted for the submission of data for all Companies and other Legal Entities until 31 March 2024.

It has been noted that after the specified date, non-compliant Companies and other Legal Entities will be subject to a financial burden based on Article 188(I)/2007 (Prevention of Combating Money Laundering, a law passed by the House of Representatives on 23 February 2021).

Original Source

Cyprus ultimate beneficial owners electronic register

Register of Beneficial Owners: Implementation of the final solution of the Electronic System

The Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property following its announcement “Notice for registration of details of Beneficial Owners (BOs) in the Register of Beneficial Owners (BO register) and imposition of fines” dated 09/01/2023, has announced the commencement of the application of the final solution of the electronic system of the BO register from November 14, 2023.

The final solution of the electronic system will be implemented in its entirety within 2024 and constitutes of three phases:

Period 1: 14/11/2023 – 31/12/2023

All companies established or registered under the Companies Law, Cap. 113, all European Public Limited Liability Companies and all Partnerships (hereinafter ‘Organizations’) or their officers/partners are invited to enter the system of the final solution and proceed with the updating/re-registering their Beneficial Owners, even if they have already done so in the interim solution system. For re-enrollment purposes, the Beneficial Owners’ data that have already been provided in the interim solution will be shown, in order to see what has been submitted and then re-submit the same. No financial charge will be imposed during the first period. The way to enter the final solution system will be the same as that of the interim solution.

From this period as well as in the following periods, it will be possible to:

  • Exercise due diligence,
  • Obtain an exception to the information disclosure,
  • Request access to the data of minors,
  • Organizations that are listed on a regulated market, which is subject to disclosure requirements under European Union Legislation will be able to declare their exemption,
  • Organizations subject to equivalent international standards that ensure adequate transparency of proprietary information will be able to declare their exemption;
  • The Obliged Entities and the Competent and Supervisory Authorities will be able to carry out an electronic search in the system on their own. Regarding the Obliged Entities, there will be an examination and then acceptance or rejection of their role by Department officials. The online survey of Obliged Entities will be completed by paying the corresponding fee of 3.50 Euros per Organization.

It should be noted that those Organizations which have demonstrated or intended to demonstrate due diligence during the interim solution should do so in the final solution. The same applies to Organizations that will have to declare their exemption from the final solution either because they are listed on a regulated market, which is subject to disclosure requirements under European Union Legislation, or because they are Organizations subject to equivalent international standards that ensure sufficient transparency of ownership information, which should state their exemption  in the final solution.

Period 2: 01/01/2024 – 29/02/2024

Those companies incorporated or registered under the Companies Law, the European Public Limited Liability Companies and Partnerships or their officers/partners, that have not updated/re-registered the data of their Beneficial Owners into the final solution system during Period 1, will be subject to a penalty.

The charge will be applicable from 01/01/2024 until the date of updating/re-registering the Beneficial Owners’ data. After the above Organizations have paid the relevant penalty, they will be able to proceed with registration and/or suspension and/or change without any further penalty that governs the specific actions based on the relevant Directive as amended.

Those companies that have been established or registered under the Companies Law, the European Public Limited Liability Companies and Partnerships or their officers/partners, that have updated/re-registered the Beneficial Owner’s data, will not incur a penalty and will be able to register and/or suspend and/or make changes without any penalty that governs the specific actions based on the aforementioned Directive.

Period 3: from 01/03/2024 onwards

During this period, the following actions will be available:

  • Updating the Register of Beneficial Owners
  • Confirmation of Beneficial Owners
  • Mismatch
  • Electronic search in the Register of Beneficial Owners
  • Request for exemption from disclosure of information
  • Request for access to the data of a minor
  • Calculations of monetary charges where applicable

Our team can provide you with any assistance you might need with regards to the Register of Beneficial Owners. For any clarifications or questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

View original source here.