EU Blue Card Visa scheme legislation approved in Cyprus

Attracting foreign talent with EU Blue Card Visa

On Wednesday 17th of January, the Council of Ministers approved the amendment of the legislation for the implementation of the European Blue Card scheme in Cyprus. This Card serves as a permanent residence and EU citizenship to non-EU/EEA nationals while providing comprehensive socio-economic rights.

The proposed legislation harmonizes with the relevant EU directive with regards to the entry and residence permit of highly skilled non-EU nationals to be employed in member states, and aligns with the 2021 talent attraction program, in an effort to promote legal migration.
The aim of this initiative is to encourage foreign qualified workers to live and work in Cyprus within a friendly framework and benefit from flexible entry requirements, increased rights and opportunities, as well as streamlined mobility.

To qualify as high-skilled, individuals must either possess a higher education qualification from a course lasting at least three years, or have at least three years of professional experience in the Information and Communication Technology sectors within the past seven years.
The adoption of this scheme not only fosters diversity and increases the competencies of the local labour market, but it also shapes the future of the island as an international and growing business center.

How can we help you
Cyprus offers more business and lifestyle opportunities and digital developments than ever before. If you are searching for a better way of life and consider living and working in Cyprus, our team of experts can advise and support you throughout your relocation journey.

Contact us here.

IDLAW and Nobel Trust Tax event, 30th November 2023, Nicosia, Cyprus

Recent Developments in EU Tax Law, Taxpayers’ Rights and the Impact on Cyprus

IOANNIDES DEMETRIOU LLC and Nobel Trust Ltd jointly organised the event titled: “Recent Developments in EU Tax Law, Taxpayers’ Rights and the Impact on Cyprus” on Thursday, 30th November 2023, Nicosia, Cyprus.

The above topics were presented by leading counsel Professor Philip Baker, KC, OBE, Field Court Tax Chambers & the University of Oxford, and Ioannides Demetriou LLC’s collaborating Special Tax Counsel Professor Christiana HJI Panayi, Chair in Tax Law at Queen Mary University of London.

The presentations provided a unique opportunity to be informed of the recent legal developments in relation to the protection of taxpayers’ rights as well as anticipated developments in tax law within the EU.

Recording of the event:

Cyprus ultimate beneficial owners electronic register

Register of Beneficial Owners: Implementation of the final solution of the Electronic System

The Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property following its announcement “Notice for registration of details of Beneficial Owners (BOs) in the Register of Beneficial Owners (BO register) and imposition of fines” dated 09/01/2023, has announced the commencement of the application of the final solution of the electronic system of the BO register from November 14, 2023.

The final solution of the electronic system will be implemented in its entirety within 2024 and constitutes of three phases:

Period 1: 14/11/2023 – 31/12/2023

All companies established or registered under the Companies Law, Cap. 113, all European Public Limited Liability Companies and all Partnerships (hereinafter ‘Organizations’) or their officers/partners are invited to enter the system of the final solution and proceed with the updating/re-registering their Beneficial Owners, even if they have already done so in the interim solution system. For re-enrollment purposes, the Beneficial Owners’ data that have already been provided in the interim solution will be shown, in order to see what has been submitted and then re-submit the same. No financial charge will be imposed during the first period. The way to enter the final solution system will be the same as that of the interim solution.

From this period as well as in the following periods, it will be possible to:

  • Exercise due diligence,
  • Obtain an exception to the information disclosure,
  • Request access to the data of minors,
  • Organizations that are listed on a regulated market, which is subject to disclosure requirements under European Union Legislation will be able to declare their exemption,
  • Organizations subject to equivalent international standards that ensure adequate transparency of proprietary information will be able to declare their exemption;
  • The Obliged Entities and the Competent and Supervisory Authorities will be able to carry out an electronic search in the system on their own. Regarding the Obliged Entities, there will be an examination and then acceptance or rejection of their role by Department officials. The online survey of Obliged Entities will be completed by paying the corresponding fee of 3.50 Euros per Organization.

It should be noted that those Organizations which have demonstrated or intended to demonstrate due diligence during the interim solution should do so in the final solution. The same applies to Organizations that will have to declare their exemption from the final solution either because they are listed on a regulated market, which is subject to disclosure requirements under European Union Legislation, or because they are Organizations subject to equivalent international standards that ensure sufficient transparency of ownership information, which should state their exemption  in the final solution.

Period 2: 01/01/2024 – 29/02/2024

Those companies incorporated or registered under the Companies Law, the European Public Limited Liability Companies and Partnerships or their officers/partners, that have not updated/re-registered the data of their Beneficial Owners into the final solution system during Period 1, will be subject to a penalty.

The charge will be applicable from 01/01/2024 until the date of updating/re-registering the Beneficial Owners’ data. After the above Organizations have paid the relevant penalty, they will be able to proceed with registration and/or suspension and/or change without any further penalty that governs the specific actions based on the relevant Directive as amended.

Those companies that have been established or registered under the Companies Law, the European Public Limited Liability Companies and Partnerships or their officers/partners, that have updated/re-registered the Beneficial Owner’s data, will not incur a penalty and will be able to register and/or suspend and/or make changes without any penalty that governs the specific actions based on the aforementioned Directive.

Period 3: from 01/03/2024 onwards

During this period, the following actions will be available:

  • Updating the Register of Beneficial Owners
  • Confirmation of Beneficial Owners
  • Mismatch
  • Electronic search in the Register of Beneficial Owners
  • Request for exemption from disclosure of information
  • Request for access to the data of a minor
  • Calculations of monetary charges where applicable

Our team can provide you with any assistance you might need with regards to the Register of Beneficial Owners. For any clarifications or questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

View original source here.

Regional or Global Headquartering in Cyprus

Regional or Global Headquartering in Cyprus

Cyprus is becoming increasingly popular as a country of choice by many international groups looking to relocate their headquarters. The country has drawn international attention and is becoming a top destination for doing business, investing and living. The benefits are multifaceted and attributed to the country’s status as a European Union and Eurozone member state with progressive legislation, regulatory regime, a stable financial environment with its advantageous tax system, and highly experienced professional service providers.

Corporate structuring is one of the country’s areas of expertise. Headquartering companies are established to channel investments into key global markets for many international companies that do business in Cyprus, the Eastern Mediterranean and even globally. With headquarters in Cyprus, companies enjoy free movement of goods, services, and capital.

As a leading jurisdiction for relocation and set up of regional headquarters, Cyprus offers an ideal location, with natural beauty, and strong history and culture, attracting human capital required to control and manage business activities.

Cyprus Tax system: tax advantages offered

  • Simple, transparent, and harmonized EU tax system
  • Tax benefits of EU directives
  • Cyprus double tax treaties with more than 60 countries
  • Notional Interest Deduction for companies receiving new equity financing which reduces significantly their taxable income
  • An Intellectual Property regime based on the Nexus approach and allowing an 80% imputed deduction on qualifying profits from the business use of qualifying intellectual property. Exemption of 4/5 of profits means that only about 20% of IP revenues are taxed at a corporate tax rate of 12.5%.
  • Attractive Cyprus tonnage tax (TT) scheme for shipowners, managers, and charterers
  • Attractive tax regime for Cyprus funds and for Cyprus fund managers
  • Capital gains are exempt from Cyprus taxation (excluding capital gains arising from the sale of immovable property located in Cyprus)
  • Profits of a foreign Permanent Establishment are exempt from tax
  • Securities trading proceeds (stocks, bonds, and certain other financial instruments) are exempt from Cyprus tax
  • Unilateral credit relief is granted to Cyprus companies for foreign taxes in Cyprus
  • No withholding tax on dividends paid by a Cyprus company, interest, or royalty payments (for use of royalties outside Cyprus) to its shareholders
  • There is no inheritance tax in Cyprus
  • There are multiple tax incentives and relieves for expatriates and individuals who seek to become tax resident in Cyprus
  • There is a friendly investor scheme for work-permits granted to non-EU employees of the employer company

Cyprus Foreign Investments

The traditional key driving forces of the country’s economy include traditional sectors of shipping, real estate, tourism and professional services. Over the last few years there is an increasing trend towards industries including energy, education, healthcare, and technology.

This latter industry is supporting the country in its transition from a global business centre to a growing technology and innovation hub. ICT companies can establish an IP holding and development company in Cyprus. The benefits include lower effective tax rates while having the legal protection applicable as per EU legislations, protocols and treaties.